Do you want to master your digital skills?

You can find free resources to improve your digital skills here. German courses and materials are listed further below.

We thank our partners fit4internet and iab for coordinating the digital courses:

Kooperationspartner Logo: Fit 4 Internet
Kooperationspartner Logo: iab austria

Do you want to improve your German skills?

Further information and websites to orientate yourself in Austria:


Public Employment Service Austria

The kind of support you get there: 

Career Information Centre

BIZ, Berufs Informations Zentrum

The kind of support you get there: 

  • all information related to occupation 
  • information on education/training you need for various professions 

Counseling Centre for Migrants


The kind of support you get there: 

  • Official recognation of your education and counseling 

Austrian Integration Fund

The kind of support you get there: 

  • German classes 
  • Counseling

Women’s Career Centre

FBZ (Frauenberufszentrum) and Young Females Career Centres (MBZ, Mädchenberufszentren)

The kind of support you get there:

  • Women and young females counselling office
  • Childcare centres